The Institute of Floor Covering Inspectors Code of Ethics and Professional Behavior

The Institute for Floor Covering Inspectors International (IFCII) is a Training and Certifying Body in the flooring inspection industry. Honor, integrity, and high moral character are required. This policy aims to promote excellence, honesty, and integrity in all of our activities; and to ensure confidence to the inspectors and all those who use the services of an Independent Inspector.

Each IFCII Certified Flooring Inspector agrees to maintain and respect the code of ethics and is accountable for his professional behavior.

The IFCII Code of Ethics and Professional Behaviors are:

The paid inspection report, collected field data, and all information obtained from the inspection are not to be shared with anyone other than the commissioning party. For certification purposes, information related to the commissioning party, product, and consumer information must be changed or blacked out.

IFCII Inspectors are accountable for their work performance and professional behavior.

Accountability refers to taking responsibility for ones’ behavior and activity.

Discrimination, harassment and unprofessional behaviors are not to be practiced.

Discrimination and harassment means; discrimination or harassment on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, citizenship, sex, age, marital status, sexual orientation, disability, or military status.

Unprofessional behavior means behavior that: violates laws or rules regarding discrimination and harassment; violates rules of professional ethics, including professionalism in investigations, educational, research or business practices; or is disrespectful, retaliatory or disruptive.

IV. IFCII Inspectors:

  • Will respect the property and rights of others.
  • May not accept work from more than one party on any given site and/or complaint.
  • Will avoid conflicts of interest by not inspecting, or be involved in any way, when friends, acquaintances, business associates or family members are involved.
  • Will not discuss warranty, maintenance or installation instructions, or provide legal advice with involved parties.
  • Will not disparage another inspector or the involved parties.
  • Will provide written reports only on sites they have personally inspected.
  • Will inspect, perform field tests and write reports based on data and truthful findings to provide an honorable Independent Inspection Report.
  • Will address all issues for which they are hired to inspect, and all issues pointed out by the end user to insure professional customer service, unless directed otherwise by the commissioning party.
  • Will not make comments or discuss their opinions or findings related to the inspection, before, during or after inspection with anyone other than the commissioning party; unless the commissioning party provides specific written instructions to do otherwise.