Want to learn how to write a good report?

Two great things about this class. First, it is one of the few schools offering online so you can do this when it works into your busy schedule. Second, you can start the exam, pause and pick back up where you left off. How cool is that? I have two granddaughters and at times, they come over and I put my time into them where it belongs.

Well, a third cool thing about the IFCI class is you can fail the exam and get a do-over. It is not as much about trying to memorize things as it is about learning it.  Let’s face it; sometimes, absorbing everything we just went over is like taking a drink from a fire hose. We get something, but often things spill over. I have a great memory and recall, but have missed too many questions and had to redo an exam regardless.

IFCI allows you the chance to store what you learned on a phone, laptop or another device to recall in the field on the job when it might just come up one day.

Most schools are about memorizing a bunch of things and regurgitating it for an exam. If you fail, some may give you one do over, but then charge to take it again or require going through the material again. For some of us, as we age, memorizing a bunch of information we may use here or there is waste of time. IFCI is more about teaching you the information and how to find it when you need it. THAT alone is worth the price of admission. The great camaraderie they encourage with the students and instructors is just icing on an already cool school.

Want to learn how to write a good report? Go to a school where they teach this and even offer to do a hands-on review before you submit it. This can save coming to an incorrect conclusion or not enough data to support a conclusion. They can help you make sure you have everything you need and not a lot of fluff you do not need.

Inspections are about gathering data (properly) and facts and putting it in a format to come to a conclusion. You can have all of that, but not present it clearly or in a proper format. IFCI teaches that too.

And another bonus; their instructors are seasoned inspectors so they do what most of us do every day and not just teaching people material and charging tuition and recertification fees to earn a living. Don’t believe me? Ask most manufacturers what they think about IFCI and the caliber of inspectors they put out.